All students shall obey the General Academic Rules of Master of Laws FH UGM as follows:
- All students shall fulfill all assignments and attend a minimum of 75% from the total meetings in class. Failure to do so may result in exclusion from Final Examination, which may result in suspension or damage to the final grade, probation, suspension or dismissal.
- In the event where a lecturer becomes aware that a student has been absent without a valid excuse for more than the Applicable Absence Limitation, such lecturer shall notify the secretariat. The Management, in light of all applicable circumstances and upon consultation with the reporting lecturer, shall decide upon any or all of the following:
a. Exclusion of the student from the course;
b. Bestowal of grade E for that student for that course.
Each lecturer is entitled to excuse the absence of a student upon a valid reason. The Vice Dean of Academic and Student Affairs may decide that, on account of extraordinary circumstances affecting an extended period of time, a student be excused for a specified period of time from the meetings of the courses he or she is taking. - Each student must commit to the meetings and examinations of all courses in which he or she is registered in the Study Plan (KRS).
- Forging the signature of another student or a Faculty member or staff for attendance in class or any other purpose is prohibited and considered a criminal offense under the Indonesian Penal Code. A student who has been identified as intentionally having forged a signature of another person for attendance in class may be terminated from enrollment in that particular course.
- Only students who are appropriately dressed may be admitted into class or any academic activity at the Faculty. Sleeveless tops, T-shirts, short pants, slippers, and any transparent, ripped or revealing piece of clothing are strictly prohibited in class. A lecturer has full prerogative to banish a student from class if such student has been found not to adhere to the appropriate clothing standard.
- Students who are late for more than 15 minutes shall not be admitted into class for any reason.
- Smoking is prohibited in all designated areas at campus, and eating in class is prohibited.
- Mobile phones are generally prohibited in class and during examination.
- No student shall record the proceedings of a class meeting without the express consent from the lecturer in charge.